SpicePay News

Some of the early problems associated with the cryptocurrency use have been solved (i.e. finding cryptocurrency payment processors and places to use digital currencies), but the perception that cryptocurrencies are difficult to use is a misconception that traditional industries and majority of consumers have found hard to leave behind. One of the challenges still standing[…]

2018 was a difficult year in terms of cryptocurrency market growth and valuation, but it also provided a strong foundation for the future development of the cryptocurrency industry. The biggest and most encouraging trend is the increased institutional investors’ involvement. According to a Bloomberg report the institutional investors have surpassed high-net-worth individuals as the largest[…]

2019 started with good news for the crypto proponents. With a tweet on January 1st Monero announced that the Fortnite merchandise store has started “exclusively” accepting Monero as a cryptocurrency payment option. Fortnite was developed by Epic Games in 2017 and has fast become the world’s most popular video game, played by approximately 125 million[…]

As the year draws to a close the inevitable reviews and statistics start to flow. The end of the year sentiment on cryptocurrencies measures high levels of uncertainty and disappointment. Multitude of stalled crypto projects, deflated market caps and missed milestones make 2018 a difficulty year in the quest to establish the cryptocurrencies as viable[…]

We are pleased to announce SpicePay’s commitment as a presenting sponsor at the annual Spider X Awards, to be held in Dublin on November 29, 2018. — Established in 1996, Spiders X is Ireland’s most prestigious digital awards ceremony and receiving an award is one of the market’s most sought-after recognitions for digital, web, community[…]

It is difficult to stay informed of the latest developments in the fast-moving world of cryptocurrencies. Trends that come and go, predictions that follow yet another pattern, talented developer teams scattered around the world. And many projects aiming to improve upon a cryptocurrency blueprint, weakness or function. Such recent addition to the cryptocurrency landscape are[…]

Promising Altcoins (Part II)

In our previous article we examined the cryptocurrency charts looking for still unpopular projects, whose concept and successful execution could translate into successful future. Today we go up the rankings to share few of our favorite altcoins that already have the recognition of the crypto community and the market support that goes with it. While[…]

Promising Altcoins (Part I)

It has been a while since Bitcoin captured the global attention and reserved its permanent spot in the headlines, both positive and negative. In the beginning of its winding ascent there was no real competition from another digital asset. With time, the so-called altcoins started to pop out. Early enthusiasts captured the opportunity to build[…]

Blockchain is the first technology that offers a way to fully manage digital assets in a trusted, traceable, automated and predictable way. What distinguishes blockchain is that each ‘block’ is linked and secured using cryptography. Trust is distributed along the chain, eliminating the need for a trusted third party to facilitate digital relationships. Bitcoin was[…]

In the previous article, we defined blockchain as being a digitized, decentralized, public ledger of cryptocurrency transactions. Nowadays, there are several ways to send money from one person to another: using a specific bank or with a money transfer service. In the basic definition, the money transfer represents the act of transferring money from one[…]